Children of the World nominees
Title: The Blue The Blue
Title: Children in Kathputli Slum Kathputli slum, Delhi
Title: Big Washing Ненецкая девочка тундра ЯНАО Рос
Title: Gypsy Boy Boy living in Gyps Camp in Rajasthan, India.
Title: Little Shiva Little Boy dressed as God Shiva during Hindi Festival in Rajasthan, India.
Title: Boyhood Puri, India - 2013. Boys on a fishing boat.
Title: Ghana's Child
Title: Child in Central Asian Walled City
Title: Greta
Title: Desperate Children desperate children
Title: Homeless homeless
Title: Monks from Burma
Title: Keeping Safe
Title: Hmong Girl laos
Title: Giraffes a girl and a giraffe
Title: Little Secret
Title: I believe I can fly Cambodia
Title: Flower
Title: Butterfly Girl Butterflies in cycle a little girl from the Amazon community of Jatun Playa as her parents look on.
Title: Cool Running The simple joy of childhood on a hot summer's day
Title: Shining
Title: Indian Girl
Title: The Stowaways
Title: Nepal School Orphan kids enjoy a day at school - Nepal
Title: Zanzibar Children Zanzibar children sit on a doorstep engrossed in a game.
Title: Quiet Afternoon it's like a beautiful painting.
Title: Sleepy or Big Kissing Where is your face?? She gives the blue elephant a big kissing. It's really funny action.
Title: Isabella Isabella, not far from home in Norway
Title: Encounter Morning chat between two children in Kigali, Rwanda
Title: School Window A School Boy Looking from the class window .. and thinking if he can enjoy the game in the play ground
Title: Playing Games Children at play in Peru.
Title: Daily Routine
Title: Claiming Attention Zanzibar
Title: Dilema Erithrea
Title: Eyes of Sorrow Zanzibar
Title: Shy Innocence Zanzibar
Title: Child Praying Lalibela Church-Ethiopia
Title: Future Farmer of America You're looking at a pair of winners at a Ft. Christmas, Florida agricultural fair.
Title: Girl in the Bubble
Title: Soap, Wash, Dry Following established routine, these children dutifully soap, wash and dry their hands.
Title: Pygmies Bambuti are one of several indigenous pygmy groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Bambuti are pygmy hunter-gatherers, and are one of the oldest indigenous people of the Congo region of Africa
Title: Sunshade Myanmar girls carrying sunshades.
Title: Innocence of Youth Paris, France
Title: Attention ! Papua New Guinea
Title: Bark Children Masks Papua New Guinea
Title: Behind the grid Kolkata / India
Title: Dani Headhunter Children Baliem Valley , West-Papua
Title: Handycapped! Varanasi / India
Title: Happiness in the Mud Varanasi / India
Title: Happy Kids! Papua New Guinea
Title: Just Fun! Ethiopia
Title: Kids on the Rim! Papua New Guinea
Title: Little Brother Togo / Benin
Title: Little Hamer girl Ethiopia
Title: Lovely Kids! Papua New Guinea
Title: Mursi Boys Ethiopia
Title: My Breakfast Kolkata / India
Title: My Home in Kolkata India
Title: Omo River Boy Ethiopia
Title: Our Morning Bath Allahabad / India
Title: Praying in the Monastery Myanmar
Title: The Taj Mahal Evening Agra / India
Title: Young Monk Myanmar
Title: Young Monks Myanmar
Title: Girl Friends Young girl friends in an India urban settlement
Title: India Boys Young boys from an rural home in remote India
Title: Fleeting Childhood Minnesota, USA
Title: Holding On Pushkar, Rajasthan, India
Title: Makeshift Cricket Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Title: The Visitor Pushkar, Rajasthan, India
Title: Winter Wonderland The joy of friendship on a snowy day in British Columbia, Canada
Title: Boy in the Bubble
Title: Children Buton Children Buton
Title: Lost Childhood Children are working in paddy terraces of Northern Vietnam.
Title: Children of Chivay Children of Chivay in Peru
Title: Fairy by the Water
Title: Fun Time Poor Children Living beside railway track in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They do not have modern toy to play with, instead of having their fun time with whatever within their reach.
Title: My Private Seat Poor Children Living beside railway track in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They have to take care of themselves most of the time because their parents need to work long hours to earn hard living.
Title: Running Towards Dream Poor Children Living beside railway track in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They do not have modern toy to play with, instead of having their fun time with whatever within their reach.
Title: Little Cowboy Farmer